Massage Therapy
Massage can be an integral part of an overall wellness and prevention routine. We integrate muscle manipulation, relaxation techniques and other modalities to assist in bringing function and healing to a patient. With chair massage we can work a small area or provide some relaxation. With table massage we can assess the needs of the client and create a treatment plan to help them.
Benefits of Massage Therapy
- Relieve stress
- Relieve postoperative pain
- Reduce anxiety
- Manage low-back pain
- Sleep better
- Ease symptoms of depression
- Promote relaxation
- Lower joint replacement pain
- Help chronic neck pain
- Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain
- Temper eff ects of dementia
- Increase range of motion
- Decrease migraine frequency
- Reduce chemotherapy-related nausea
- Reduce muscle tension
- Help fibromyalgia pain
- Enhance exercise performance
- Improve balance in older adults
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